NEXT // A photo circa early 1996 of REAL LULU at CST backstage after show with friends IODINE from Nashville. IODINE was one of the best bands around at the time, and REAL LULU and CAGE played many a gig together with them during that run of it. Almost invariably when they would come through the area we would hook up with them, here or in Cincy, Columbus, Indy, etc... Drummer Brad Pemberton is holding up a copy of what was the newly available debut release by THE MULCHMEN "All The News That's Fit To Surf" (Gregg still playing regularly with REAL LULU at this time). Jay Joyce, IODINE guitarist, has made quite a name for himself in the production and studio session realm there. I know he did much of the guitar work on many of those Wallflower records back then, and a host of other things.
Jones adds... IODINE played melodic, emo-ish, post rock in the vein of JAWBOX or SEVERIN (but not like a carbon copy of those bands at all). I played with IODINE once in Cincinnati at SOURBELLY's worst show ever. It wasn't the worst because of IODINE though. A Cincinnati band called HOGSCRAPER closed the show. They were like a banjo and washtub bass duo with an absurdist redneck type bent. The singer/washtub player wore blackface and sort of mimicked a backwoods country preacher. It was fun for the first thirty minutes, but having already been through IODINE's set, I was pretty much all rawked out. So it wasn't long until I just wanted to get out of there, but HOGSCRAPER just kept going. They seemed to have an incredibly devout following in the bar that night and ended up playing until something like three in the morning. That may have been the longest two hours of my life. As I said, though, IODINE was great. And now back to Andy...
NEXT // Show flyer of quite a show, the KOMANDOZ OGC (with Brett Owsley, TC Carll, both whom played with John Shough. Brett now in Chicago with the ORGANIC GROOVE CONTINUUM, and also performed and recorded with THE LAWN JOCKEYS. TC played on most of Shough's stuff, and is now with the LAB PARTNERS). Of course, REAL LULU here and you are pretty familiar with the opener :)
It was the kind of show that Dayton was cool for, with the diversity of types of performances on one stage in one night. I believe this dates from 1998 if I remember correctly.
NEXT // REAL LULU press kit promo photo, featuring Jay Madewell (who performed with the band on a number of occassions, but never recorded with them).
The band body cartoons are all actual size, painted on a huge wood board by Dennis Williamson of HAUNTING SOULS. He also drew the back cover for the REAL LULU "We Love Nick" CD.
NEXT // Since the REAL LULU "Chief" video seems to be of recent interest, here are some photos of the band performing live on WYSO in Feb. 1997, on Jason Brazina's show (he had a program that followed the Rev Cool's Around The Fringe program for awhile. I think he had the very last student run program before they were all canned by the station admin, but don't quote me on that).
NEXT // Of particular note here is Steve Bognar, who was on site with us, shooting some film for footage later incorporated into the "Chief" video. If you watch the video, you'll clearly recognize live action shots from these scenes here.
NEXT // This radio show was the night before a big gig at Kelly Hall, featuring REAL LULU, MINK, THE TASTIES and THE INDICATORS, Nate Farley's and Mitch Mitchell's band, which eventually morphed into ROBTHEBANK.
Jones adds... that's it. Andy sent me a bunch of other stuff too -- will post at some point.
take care
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