It's nice to know that the more active blogospherians out there are willing to pick up my slack -- even if they don't realize they're doing it.
The amazing Wheat sent me this link to a rip of the 1982 DEMENTIA PRECOX EP, SCHP over at the Thing on the Doorstep blog. Yeah, that's five tracks of Daytonian proto-industrial/goth/punk/whatever straight from the '80s -- delivered to you here in Siglo XXI through the miracle of the internet!
Of course, sometimes I wonder if it really is such a miracle. I mean, yeah it is, but does that really make it a good thing? I think about those people back in 1982 who loved good music so much... who were so dissatisfied with what mainstream pop culture had to offer... who were so thirsty for something different that they might've spent a significant portion of their daily lives tracking down releases like this through obscure mail-order or the few decent record stores that might have carried them. And here we are in the future, where you can get it with a click.
"In here I'm 'the guy who can get it for you.' But out there, all you need is the Yellow Pages."Morgan Freeman's character (Ellis Boyd "Red" Redding) says that in The Shawshank Redemption -- in a part of the film in which "Red" contemplates how needless his particular skills in acquiring objects would be if he were ever released. How many "Reds" have the internet (and blogs like this) made obsolete? Ah well...
take care